
Understanding the Significance of Emotional Intelligence

Be intelligent, follow the footprints of intelligent people, take their learnings and train under them so that you could also grab the wisdom they acquire. These are the stereotype statements made by our parents, relatives, senior citizen and even boss in the office.

It means being aware and intelligent in handling the situation is the key to debunk the formula of success. What kind of intelligence these guys are talking about? Are they talking about logical intelligence, which includes reasoning, detecting patterns, scientific investigations, decoding innovative and creative ideas, etc.

Almost 90% of the population possess logical intelligence, spoon fended by school/ college and experience collected with seniors and society, then why do they fail in life. Stress, tension, poor health, failed relationship are their best buddies and with time they also lose self-esteem and confidence in life.

So, it is evident that logical intelligence can push your success graph to an extent, but saturate after a point. Is intelligence really the panacea for all your tensions and miseries. My answer is yes, intelligence appended with emotions and feelings. It is called emotional intelligence.

What is emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to become aware about the emotions, create and access the emotions and manage our emotional wealth to encourage our personal, professional and spiritual growth. The benefit is if you are completely aware about your emotions and control your actions and reactions, you can easily self motivate and motivate everyone around, developing strong rapport and social skills with others and express compassion for others.

Twenty century displayed the substance of IQ (Intelligence Quotient), people character was judged on the basis of intelligent quotient. In a layman language, the ability to become money spinner and accord every luxurious entity possible.

Various researches have suggested that it is a failed exercise. To lead a happy, prosperous and successful life emotional intelligence is required. Although intelligent quotient is measured under certain parameters mental age and chronological age, but emotional intelligence has no such parameters and can be enhanced at any stage of life.

What are the benefits of EI

It is a false theory that emotional intelligence is only required in social arena like developing long-term quality relationship with others, but has a major role to play in every aspect of life. The crucial benefits of emotional intelligence are:-

Stress buster – During our emotional intelligence certification in conducted every year, we lay huge emphasis on explaining the importance of emotional intelligence in releasing stress, anxiety and tension and achieving a better state of health.

Ability to handle failure and criticism positively – There are less praises and more criticism in life. An EI understand his strengths and the areas to work on. He takes failure and criticism just another step closer to success.

Once you know what miracles EI can do for you, your life will take a complete 180 degree turn.

It is a false theory that emotional intelligence certification is only required in social arena like developing long term quality relationship with others

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Doris_Greenwood/2541208

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9928177

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